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(559) 485-1416
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3845 N. Clark St. Suite 101
Fresno, CA 93726
Frequently Asked Questions
Metro is not a food distribution site. Through our Recovery and Distribution program, we recover excess nutritious food from our Network of food donors and distribute it to food pantries, community centers, churches, and other institutions around the community.
However, our staff can provide you with information on a food bank or food distribution site closest to your location. Additionally, our CalFresh Outreach staff are available to assist qualifying individuals and families apply for CalFresh Benefits to help supplement food budgets.
Contact our CalFresh Outreach staff at 559-485-1416 to schedule an appointment.
To learn more about our programs, visit our Program web pages
Metro is not a church. However, our organization was formed by the First Methodist Church of Fresno when they moved “north” to Barstow Avenue to merge with Wesley Methodist in 1970. The merger committee saw the need to create a 501(c)3 to meet the needs of the residents left in the decaying Downtown. Visit our History page to learn more.
Today, we pride ourselves as a multicultural, multi-faith-based community benefit organization that has made a commitment to the inclusion of people of ALL faith backgrounds in our Board and community programs and projects alike.
Yes! Volunteers are a key part of any successful program.
If you have unique skills and experiences that can support Metro’s work, please email us at
Please include a brief description of why you would like to volunteer with us, how you see yourself connecting with our programs, and attach a resume.
Metro has an amazing Community Garden program that may be able to provide you with guidance when planning and developing your garden. Contact our Community Garden Program Manager for more information,
Yes, Metro has interpretation equipment on hand. If you are in need of interpretation equipment for your organization’s event, contact us to discuss available options, at 559.485.1416
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